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Electric utes: What's available, and those coming soon

The electric ute segment is currently untouched in Australia, but there are plenty of options available globally – with some models likely to arrive locally soon

Ford F 150 Lightning Pro Towing

UPDATE: LDV eT60 confirmed for Australia

Among whatever other electric utes are coming to Australia, the LDV eT60 has now been confirmed for Australia. Use our menu below to jump to the details, or get the full story here.

Don't believe the clickbait 'electric utes coming to Australia' headlines you might've seen elsewhere: the EV race has certainly begun in Australia, but very few electric utes are available here, or even confirmed to come.

With the Toyota HiLux and Ford Ranger comfortably sitting on top of the new-car sales podium, there is a growing demand for electric spin-offs – and also scepticism, due to the range and towing requirements of many buyers.

However, a number of options exist overseas with specifications largely comparable to Australia's favourite vehicle type, including models from traditional automakers, such as Ford and Chevrolet.

Here's every electric ute currently available globally, in addition to those arriving soon.

Watch for updates!

This list will be updated regularly to add new electric utes when further information becomes available.


To see all battery-electric vehicles coming to Australia soon, check out our story here.


2024 Silverado EV WT 11
Pictured: 2024 Chevrolet Silverado EV

Quick stats: Maximum claimed driving ranges of electric utes

Ace Yewt200km
BYD uteunknown
Chevrolet Silverado EV644km
Fisker Alaska550km
Ford F-150 Lightning515km
Ford Ranger Lightningunknown
GMC Hummer563km
GWM Ute EV450km
Kia uteunknown
LDV eT60325km
Rivian R1T505km
Tesla Cybertruck805km
Volkswagen Amarok EVunknown

Ace Yewt

ACE Yewt

Australian company Ace currently offers reservations for its Yewt model for $299, with pricing for the all-electric ute starting from $25,995 before on-road costs.

The locally-made vehicle is said to offer a driving range of up to 200km, with a low volume to be produced.

It features an 18kW e-motor, 23.2kWh lithium-ion battery pack and a seven-second dash to 50km/h, and is primarily designed for light commercial applications.

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BYD ute

2022 BYD Atto 3

EVDirect, the local third-party distributor for China’s BYD, claims a mid-size dual-cab electric ute is ‘under development’.

It is perhaps the most enticing prospect in the BYD line-up for Australia, but further details, including a name, are unclear.

“It’s real,” said EVDirect chief executive Luke Todd.

“It’s under development and I’ve seen it. We’d be looking to open pre-orders for it in 2023, for deliveries in late 2023.”

An electric ute from BYD to compete against the Ford Ranger, Toyota HiLux and Mitsubishi Triton would no doubt be wildly popular, particularly with the current high fuel prices and the appeal of a power supply on wheels – not just to tradies, but a variety of mobile businesses.

The brand has launched in Australia with the Atto 3 electric small SUV, while two production-ready models – the Dolphin and Seal – are confirmed for local shores.

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Chevrolet Silverado EV

2024 Silverado EV RST

General Motors has revealed a more subtle take on the wild GMC Hummer.

The 2024 Chevrolet Silverado EV is based on the same Ultium electric architecture, with a claimed driving range of up to 644 kilometres.

According to the brand, the most powerful Silverado EV offers 495kW and 1065Nm from dual electric motors mounted at each axle.

An entry-level Work Truck will be offered for tradies and fleet buyers, while the RST First Edition model targets retail customers with greater comfort and features. A mid-spec Trail Boss variant will be added later.

With a starting price almost identical to the Ford F-150 Lightning, the Silverado EV promises a big jump in driving range over its arch-rival, which claims 386 kilometres in standard form.

It will support 350kW DC fast charging, four-wheel steering, adaptive air suspension, and Chevrolet’s configurable tailgate. There is also a front boot, akin to Tesla and the F-150 Lightning.

A number of accessories will also be made for the Silverado, including canopies – helping to protect the 10 outlets in the bed which provide up to 10.2kW.

"We don't have any product-related announcements to make about the [Chevrolet Silverado EV],” said a spokesperson for GMSV Australia and New Zealand.

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Fisker Alaska

Fisker Alaska Sketch 01

The forthcoming Fisker Alaska electric ute was teased on social media last year – with no news since.

Brand founder and CEO Henrik Fisker released the teaser on LinkedIn, revealing an angular dual-cab pick-up – but stressed the production version will be more extreme.

"Ok, yes, [the] next vehicle might be a lifestyle pick-up truck!,” said Mr Fisker.

"But not just any truck! We want to create the lightest, most efficient EV pick up in the world! Making it the most sustainable! Image is just a teaser! Not the final: final will be way more radical!”

It is believed the Fisker Alaska ute will share its platform with the Ocean crossover, which features an 80kWh battery pack, a claimed 550-kilometre driving range, and up to 410kW.

Fisker has previously told Wheels it plans to bring the Ocean to Australia in the coming years, paving the way for the Alaska ute to arrive locally.

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Ford F-150 Lightning

Ford F 150 Lightning Pro Towing

The electric version of America’s top-selling vehicle, the Ford F-150 Lightning, is proving popular – but will it arrive in Australia?

That’s the big question, and it’s one Wheels posed to Ford Australia CEO Andrew Birkic earlier this year, following the announcement of the twin-turbo V6’s local conversion from mid-2023.

Mr Birkic said the manufacturer needs to focus on launching the regular F-150, but admitted the door was ajar for the Lightning down the track.

"There’s a lot of excitement globally about what the Lightning brings ... and there has been a huge demand for [the Lightning] in the US," said Birkic.

"Is there a demand here? Yes, I’m absolutely sure we could sell that product, but we’ve got to make sure it’s commercially viable, and what we’ve also got to do is be in tune with our overseas colleagues, and right now that really is the focus.”

Depending on the spec, the F-150 Lightning claims a driving range of up to 515 kilometres.

Ford Australia has committed to introducing five electrified models by 2025, with the E-Transit, E-Transit Custom and Escape PHEV already confirmed as three of the five offerings.

Meanwhile, the all-electric Mustang Mach-E crossover appears likely to launch in Australia.

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Ford Ranger Lightning

Ford Ranger Lightning Electric Ute Theottle Rendering 01
Rendering by Theottle.

Ford executives remain tight-lipped on the prospect of an electric Ranger ute, but it seems likely.

The new-generation model is ready for electrification, opening the door for a Ford Ranger Lighting.

However, the key question is how much electrification.

With the previous Ranger having an 11-year lifespan, the new Ranger will likely face strict regulations in the coming years, as certain regions prepare to phase out internal-combustion vehicles by 2035.

“The platform lifecycle is anything up to 10 to 12 years...clearly electrification is going to be something which we have to consider going forward,” said Ford’s T6 chief platform engineer Ian Foston.

“So we made sure the platform was capable of it. And we engineered electrification into it, to make sure that all the different propulsion technologies would be able to fit within the platform going forward.

“We've got a bandwidth of electrification hardware that enables us to go anywhere from a 24-volt mild hybrid all the way through to a fully-electric version.”

Clearly, the first priority for Ford – and the wisest use of the development budget for Ranger – has been to clear the path to the long-awaited plug-in hybrid (PHEV) variant, said to be due in 2024.

Regardless, Ford has confirmed an all-electric mid-size pick-up is in the works, paving the way for a Ranger-based electric ute.

Piece all these facts together and the power demand of any putative Ranger Lightning means that it would likely need to be spun off to a dedicated EV skateboard platform and won't appear before the Ranger PHEV launches.

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GMC Hummer

2022 GMC HUMMER EV 003

The GMC Hummer EV is a wild all-electric pick-up, offering serious off-road performance.

General Motors estimates the Hummer’s three-motor e4WD system can deliver 745kW and an astonishing 15,600Nm of torque, utilising the company’s Ultium battery architecture.

It boasts an estimated driving range of more than 563km, and is compatible with 350kW DC fast chargers.

Despite a claimed 0-100km/h time of a mind-boggling three seconds, perhaps the most compelling technology for 4x4 enthusiasts is the inclusion of an Extract Mode, which raises the vehicle's suspension height by about 150mm courtesy of an adaptive air suspension set-up.

If all else fails and the path ahead remains impenetrable, CrabWalk mode will steer the front and rear wheels at the same angle at low speeds, enabling the vehicle to progress in a diagonal direction.

The electrified Hummer also features driver-selectable modes to tailor performance, selectable drive modes, adaptive dampers, and a premium interior fitted with a 13.4-inch infotainment system.

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GWM Cannon Ute X A Brook 220726 3798
Pictured: 2022 GWM Ute diesel

An electric concept of the GWM Ute was revealed in China three years ago, but it has yet to reach production.

The forthcoming model will directly compete against the LDV eT60, with documents published by the Chinese Government last year revealing it should use a 150kW electric motor and either a 60.5kWh or 79.6kWh battery, with a claimed driving range of approximately 450 kilometres.

A plug-in hybrid version of the GWM Ute – known as the GWM Pao in China – is also believed to be under development.

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Kia ute

Santa Sorento Rear
Speculative rendering by Theottle.

Kia will launch two electric utes as part of a wider zero-emissions line-up, with a total of 14 battery-electric models planned by 2027.

Of the two utes, Kia says one will be an entry-level model, while the other will be a “dedicated electric pick-up truck and a strategic model for emerging markets”.

Few details have been provided by the carmaker, but it’s possible at least one of the models will be a full-size pick-up, designed to compete with the Ford F-150 Lightning and Chevrolet Silverado EV.

Kia Australia has made no secret of the fact that it’s been pushing for a ute of its own in recent years, with earlier reports suggesting the company’s Korean head office had already begun work on such a vehicle.

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LDV eT60

2023 LDV eT60 electric ute

This is it, Australia's first electric ute, now confirmed. The LDV eT60 will go on sale in Australia from November 2022.

The eT60 is powered by a a single rear-mounted electric motor producing 130kW and 310Nm – down 30kW and 190Nm, compared to the 160kW/500Nm twin-turbo diesel T60.

Only available in rear-wheel-drive at this stage, the dual-cab eT60 has a payload capacity of 980 kilograms.

LDV says the eT60’s battery can be charged from 20 to 80 per cent in 45 minutes using a DC fast-charger, or charged from 5-100 per cent in about nine hours using an 11kW wallbox charger.

Australian pricing is still to be confirmed, but we can at least expect it to enter well above the turbo diesel T60 dual-cab utes already sold here from between $36,832 and $41,568.

LDV already sells the electric T60 in New Zealand, priced from NZ$79,990 drive-away (AU$71,360) – before the NZ Government’s generous $8625 clean vehicle rebate.

Get all the news at the links below.

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Mitsubishi Triton PHEV or EV

2023 Mitsubishi Triton Spy Photos 10

Although not yet confirmed as a scheduled model, Mitsubishi has revealed it is exploring how it can best develop a plug-in hybrid EV or even full EV version of its upcoming new-generation Triton.

“Because we have a PHEV system [in the Outlander] we can transfer it to a truck EV or pick-up truck hybrid, so we are now investigating how to fit our PHEV system to a truck type pick-up, yes,” Mitsubishi’s lead engineer for the new Outlander PHEV, Kentaro Honda, told Wheels Media.

“And the Ford Lightning has an EV, that is a good benchmark so we are also investigating a type of truck EV.”

Get the story at the link below.

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Rivian R1T

2022 Rivian R 1 T 22

The electric Rivian R1T rolled off the production line in September 2021, beating the Ford F-150 Lightning to the North American market.

Based on the start-up’s 'Skateboard Platform', the R1T – also available in R1S SUV form – features a quad-motor, all-wheel-drive setup producing up to 623kW and 1231Nm, allowing for a three-second 0-60mph (0-97km/h) sprint.

The R1T claims a driving range of 505 kilometres.

Rivian has expressed a desire to offer the R1T in Australia, however, it’s unclear whether a right-hand-drive model will be built at its US plant, or whether local buyers will be forced to wait for a rumoured UK factory to be built before vehicles start arriving on our shores.

It sent two vehicles – an R1T and R1S – to Australia last year for climate testing, but these examples were left-hand drive.

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Tesla Cybertruck

2023 Tesla Cybertruck Rodeo Screen Shot 2022 04 08 At 1 36 56 Pm 2

The outlandish 2023 Tesla Cybertruck has been shown again, looking more production-ready than the previous concept version.

Tesla showed off its electric ute at its Cyber Rodeo event in early 2022, showcasing the addition of side mirrors, a windscreen wiper, and revised headlights and tail-lights.

Door handles and more conventional alloy wheels are new, too.

Again, depending on the final spec, Tesla claims the Cybertruck will be capable of travelling up to 805km on a charge.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has apologised for the delay in bringing the Cybertruck to market, having first shown the vehicle in late 2019, with the long-overdue EV expected to arrive in the United States in mid-2023.

Despite the company previously taking $150 deposits in Australia, it’s not yet clear whether the model will actually be sold here – and it has been removed from the local consumer website.

It's worth noting that Tesla had never confirmed global availability for the Cybertruck, but allowing Australians to place a (refundable) $150 deposit did at least give Tesla some extra cash to build interest upon.

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Volkswagen Amarok EV

2023 Volkswagen Amarok
Pictured: 2023 Volkswagen Amarok diesel V6

Volkswagen, which is using the Ford Ranger's bones for the forthcoming second-generation Amarok, has already confirmed the T6.2 body-on-frame chassis can accept an electric drivetrain and battery pack.

Lars Krause, vice president for sales and marketing at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, said the carmaker is “looking at a pure-electric version.”

“Right now, we’re not satisfied with the electric range of the plug-in hybrid. I’d never say never, but we’re looking more towards a fully-electric version,” he added.

“Obviously, [Volkswagen would] need to modify certain elements. But, yes, we are seriously considering an electric variant.”

Watch this space.

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